David Neal-Smith

David is the property director for The Manydown Rural Estate, a position he has held since January 2020. His role is to oversee the development and diversification of the Estate, in particular the improvement of commercial and residential properties. The aim is to seek out new opportunities that will complement the excellent farming and wildlife conservation at the Estate.

Previously a rural property consultant, he also held senior roles with Barclays in agricultural and rural banking, giving him a close understanding of the farming sector and need for farms and large estates to adapt to the pressures of a rapidly changing rural sector.

He is interested in the history of estates such as Manydown and is determined to see development that is sympathetic and in keeping with the history and heritage of the Estate, while ensuring its relevance and viability in the future. 

He said: “The Manydown Rural Estate has great ambition for the future to ensure the maintenance of a strong farming operation, balanced with nature conservation. The development of the Estate’s wide range of assets will, we believe, provide commercial sustainability.  We are also encouraging accessibility so that local people can enjoy the footpaths and wonderful views of the countryside, much of which is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.”


Ian Monks


Peter Thomson